Necessity is the mother of invention.
Look ma, no bit! |
Q was developping lip sores because his baby bit became too small for his growing mouth. It was too bad because it was a great little bit and thin enough for his small mouth. I have a new-to-me bit which will probably work well although it doesn’t have the copper.
Meanwhile, I didn't want to aggravate the sores with any bit so I decided to finally try a hackamore. I tried the barn sidepull but didn’t like how it sat on his face. Then our fearless BO pulls out this rope thing she got in Costa Rica and I thought it might be cool to try.
I pulled it on and proceeded to a group lesson doing drill work. It was all at a walk and a great transition session for the change in steering wheel. Obviously the pressure points are completely different with this bridle. Instead of direct pull reins it works better with neckrein and a more “suggestive” steering.
Turns out that Q loves it and I was able to confirm that his neckrein skills are in top shape. For me neckrein starts with seat and legs, with the rein tailing all the aids.
Our second session was a quick “brake check” in the arena, loping circles with frequent teardrop turns and lead changes, and a few halt/pivot/lope transitions. He was brilliant. Feeling pretty confident, we took off for a solo ride.
Despite the ominous clouds and risk of rain, the ride was beautiful with lots of autumn colors and budding mushrooms. We were able to mostly ride without contact and he was very obedient to my leg for turns. Cool.
Beautiful stretch to canter |
Lots of mushrooms underfoot. |
The stiff halter left some indents on his nose so I have since covered it in vetwrap. Trying to be cautious of the braking power of the hackamore, I still have to work on speed maintenance. His trots kept getting faster and he would struggle to maintain the quiet jog I wanted. I would hold and release the hackamore but I felt there was way too much micromanaging for my taste.
My favorite loop with lots of good footing for trotting. |
Im curious how this option holds up under pressure and Im sure to find out as I have signed us up for a mystery word rally in 10 days. No doubt we will have lots of trotting/cantering rider and buggy teams to contend with. Im going solo as the Unicorn Team.
The unicorn team. |
That bridle is really pretty.
ReplyDeleteIt is a delicate feature for his delicate face. I covered the noseband in vetwrap because I didn't like how it pressured his nose. And finally, I bought a fluffy flower hackamore that I will be setting up soon.