Stuck at a max speed of 19 km/hour

It was a funny weather day. One minute black skies, next minute blue skies. I decided to abort my longer trail plans and stick close to home in case of thunder and lightening. Every time I would turn away from home the skies would darken.

I did a pretty fast ride but am unimpressed by my stats, both average and max speed. I felt like my canter was pretty fast but it seems no faster than a good trot. Hmm.

Im starting to think that I might have lost my mojo on my last fall and have returned to more conservative riding again. Hmmm.

Well it was a humid day so we were both in a sweat when we returned. Q was happy to get a shower and some grazing. I was happy to end the day in my hammock.

Tomorrow, a return to bareback in my new best friends pad.


  1. that's not a bad speed at all. The weather here has been hot and humid with dark clouds then sun but no rain for weeks.

    1. Maybe its just a mental block to want to exceed 20 kmh?


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