Water always finds its level

Today was an ice day. The parking lot was a skating rink and news from the trails was not good. It was going to be an indoor arena day but there were patches of frozen ground there too.

I decided on doing some groundwork instead and pulled out the rope halter. Although the arena was crowded with riders, we sauntered down to the scary door. Q had other plans.

He loves to roll, but won’t do it in the snowy paddocks (too hard) nor in his stall (too small). He has gotten into the habit of rolling in the soft arena sand when I let him loose. But this time there was a crowd, other horses trotting around, and he was tied to me via rope.

He kept looking at the sand forlornly and would stop mid-step wondering if it was safe to roll. I could hear the gears clicking. I was hoping he would do it, as I want to teach him to lie down on command without the leg-tying western tricks.

He paused, thinking. And then a horse would trot by 5 feet away and he would lose his nerve. Eventually, his desire to roll overruled his shyness and his knees buckled. Once down, he did multiple  swings. Jumped up and shook it off.

I was so pleased.

Now, lets see if we can repeat that next time.


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