The super duper long weekend

Some riding happened, and much living and socializing. I feel the last 2 years has robbed me of my ability and desire to be social.  But its slowly coming back. Yeah!

As for Q, he appears to be finishing his full 1/2 inch haynet despite the repeated warnings that this torture device should not be used on horses because it will either 1) not provide enough nutrition, 2) make them give up trying, or 3) make them aggressive beasts. I guess they never met my Q, a tenacious constant forager. This particular haynet is recommended for small ponies or minis that have metabolic disorders.


And yesterday Q gave me a lovely 2 km gallop on our favorite fast track. I in turn cut the ride short at 25 minutes and then we proceeded to our favorite grazing spot after a shower and mane/tail scrub.

Barn energy seems to be back to normal.

And clearly Q is completely unphased by the noisy moped at our intersection. #goals


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