Untethered, almost

The weather has been spectacular here as I celebrate week #2 of my long vacation. Ive ramped up my long rides to 3.5 hrs and Q and I are feeling a little back sore tonight. But it was lovely, and these long rides get easier every time. 

I celebrated with a long session of grazing in the open field, getting a sunburn and eventually getting mugged by Q when I started eating my pumpkin seeds. I guess it sounded like grain?

Im in the process of untethering myself professionally, as is my husband, which would allow us to work remotely several months of the year. It also means my work weeks will be even more flexible, affording me the opportunity for more travel, more life experiences, and more days where I can nap in the sun as I hear my horse munching on grass around my feet.

Life is good.


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