Ho Hum, March is done

Sunshine is the greatest antiseptic and melter of snow and there is certainly room for hope as the grass continues to appear at every corner. But in the woods, we still have hard packed slick ice that will take more time. So we are condemned to finding alternative ways to amuse ourselves. Some are working in the arena (1/3 lost due to spring flooding), Im walking the streets. We probably have another 1-2 weeks to go like this. Q is amazing at street walking on a stretch where cars are often moving at speeds above 80km/h (50mph). There is a bit of a shoulder, but no protection of sidewalk or barrier. The road is quiet most of the times, as its just an access road between two villages. But there is an excess of speed on this less policed road and so have to be cautious. My 50th year has me throwing caution to the wind and Ive signed up for a cowboy packtrip for 10 days through the Alberta mountains and grasslands in a few months. Now Im anxious to get my body ready for 8 hour riding...