
Had a successful ride today and Q was great … he only tried to bolt once! 😂

I shut it down within the second stride, mostly because he telegraphed his intentions 5 seconds before. Neck up, ears back, back tight, accelerating speed … and then tail tucked in, and boom. I looked behind and nothing. Silly boy.

I love my horses sensitive and forward. Q definitely delivers on that front. It requires no effort to get speed … slowing down can be a bit more challenging but he also hates being managed so I telegraph to him my request to slow down. I rarely need to escalate to bit contact.

The “mistakes” of bolting have increased this winter but are also driven by my releasing contact and having loopy western length reins. I like it, and Im starting to increase the length of the reins. What I like most of all is that I can read his intentions telegraphically.

An expressive horse is a beautiful thing,


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