Epic, for just a little while

Spring break turned out to be a delightful week of riding everyday. Some extra snow came our way and the weather eventually got quite mild. Footing was exceptional and we basked in many hours in the forest.

One of my fellow boarders inquired about Q, saying “he is a machine”. I smiled and had a little chuckle remembering the trail just 2 weeks ago where Q decided he wanted to explode and go very very fast, or the other time where he kept bolting and spooking off. I then shared a sentiment that resonates with me, heard a few times on the Warwick Schiller podcast … “what is the value of yes, if no is never an option”

I explained that I embrace the power of no with Q (to her shock) but that he makes me laugh every day. And thats all that matters for now.

#flyingmane in Sector 2, H trail


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