First grass of the year for the birthday boy (#9)

Yep, trails are a disaster this week and likely will continue to be for another week still. Temperatures are not warm enough to melt the slick ice in the shade of the forest. So we wait.

It being Q’s birthday I opted for a spa day and a little road walk, accompanied by NINE peppermints and of course some carrots too. And the big bonus, at least for Q, was the first nibbles of grass in between the patches of snow and ice.

He is getting lighter with every year, and its clear to me that a flea bitten grey is waiting to emerge. His bum is still his darkest area, along with his legs and mane.

Happy birthday!


  1. He’s a handsome birthday boy.

    1. He does think so too 😍 … he thinks he is the Benevolent King.


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