Goosebumps baby!

Riding four days in a row makes such a difference! My last two days were such magic that I got goosebumps as my wonderful steed carried me confidently forward on the trail.

My last ride involved several canter departs, and most of them were on the correct lead at the first request. Occasionally I  needed to recorrect by the second stride but Q was not flustered for the first time ever of his little mistakes. In the past, he has gotten extremely amped and upset when I correct his canter leads on trail. The mellow soldier in the arena, is not the fiery dragon I have on trail.

We canter NOW?!?

That said, I am just so impressed at how forward he is on trail. He is really a pleasure to ride. Not much leg is required to get a jump into the trot or canter. In fact, I have to learn how to make a softer and quieter canter depart with 10% of the pressure I need in the arena. Ive learned this week as I practice canter departs on trail, that I am struggling with the down transition to the walk because Q is just amped to go go go.

I do want to log in some ring time in the coming weeks and practice straight line canter departs without the benefit of rail or corners, and also practice canter-walk-canter transitions. It will make it simpler when I go and do the same thing on trail.

Q has also been amusing me with his enthusiasm for the watering holes. He has taken to trotting down the ravines to make sure we get to the creekbeds so he can slurp water and make a big splash. He enjoys his water immensely.

And as we venture around the trails, we have come to notice the changing of seasons. The light is different, the leaves are showing color, and the footing is just spectacular. So before winter and ice show up, we need to log in as many trail miles as possible. Technically we still have a few days of summer left, although with night temperatures hovering at zero celsius, you would think summer was long gone.



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