The Sourdough Saga

Exerting control in my little pocket of the world. Day 17 of increasing self-isolation. On March 4th my capitulation began with troublesome emails sent in the middle of the night warning of a potential travel ban for Canadians going to Central Asia with the risk of being sent to quarantine in old USSR army compound in less than ideal conditions. While some of our crew was already en route and I was scheduled to leave 2 days later, we quickly decided to cancel our trip and repatriate everyone back to Canada pronto. At the time some thought we were overreacting. I was relieved, although sad to miss this epic trip. The reimbursement process was a saga on to itself, but after much time, calls, and more time, it was finally resolved to 90% satisfaction. For the next 9 days we were all in limbo. We saw what was happening in the world, and with our students returning from Spring Break, we knew where things were heading. But none of our North American leaders were acting. And of course s...