Back in the saddle

I popped some pills, made an extra large batch of Apple Pie Smoothie and headed west to spend some quality time with Q. I was feeling pretty good and thought a little walk in the woods would do me some good, as long as I didn’t fall.

I forgot how social my barn is, so it was real hard not to answer everyone’s questions. I would end up squeaking “jaw surgery” and break out a lop-sided chipmunk smile, and I would get a hug in return.

I doused my saddle with some baby powder and tacked up pretty fast thanks to my Tiger Tongue grooming tool. This thing is a marvel and cuts down grooming time by 75%, even in these muddy conditions. Packed some peppermints and away we went.

Ten minutes in the woods and I realized we had a problem. Soft snow and mild temperatures makes for snowbombs falling from tree crests 50 feet high. Whenever the wind picked up, I cringed. The bombs fell in front of me, beside me, and behind me. But somehow they managed to avoid Q’s big bum. Go Team Unicorn! 🦄

I kept it nice and quiet at a walk and it was good for the soul to be out in the first white trail of the winter. It is a bit early but this snow won’t stick. It will be icey ground and muddy conditions for the next month or so, maybe even enough to shut us in the arena. A few weeks of shut-ins and the whole barn gets depressed.

So we take what we can, when we can.
And that is just fine by me.

Saddle squeak was down by 90% thanks to some talcorific baby powder.


  1. I’m glad that no unicorns were spooked!

    1. Me too! I knock on wood so much, that my knuckles need protection. :-)


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