Back to Basics, a return to long lines.

Wow. Like really wow.

It started yesterday morning with a call from my coach who had reflected on our great session on Friday and had a suggestion for me as we work on improving the connection and contact with Q.

“Take yourself out of the equation and go back to the long lines. Practice the transitions between the walk and practice your timing with his footfalls. You will see what he is doing and will be able to do better adjustments. If he can’t do it on the long lines, he can’t do it with you in the saddle. Eventually you can add the trot.”

So I pulled out my equipment from the back of my locker and did a little session yesterday for the first time in two years when I was preparing Q for saddle training. Once I got in the saddle, I stopped long lining as at that time it was only to teach him independance and lateral contact, along with transitions.

Yesterday Q (and I) were a bit rusty but I quickly understand what my coach had told me about watching for the timing. I could see the change must faster than I could feel it, and was able to reward Q faster as a result.

Today we were back on the lines for a quick (15 minute session) and he was brilliant, giving me a slow collected trot from a slow collected walk without resistance or tension. Wow.

Ill be taking a break for a few weeks with crazy work and travel plans, but I am anxious to get back to an old exercise with a new purpose.

Anybody else try long lining recently?


  1. This would be one of the first things I'd do with my horse if I had access to an enclosed, level area. Maybe someday. I'm done paying 7 euros per visit to the fancy place, it's so busy now it's useless. My husband counted 4 extra cars there tonight as we drove past - it's Grand Central Station.

    1. I highly recommend it. You can also do it in your field. You just need a space where you won't trip too much. ;-)


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