The land of snow and ice

Temperatures are soaring this week with consecutive days of 23/25/26c. But the ice just won’t melt! Even on the sunny side of the trail. Trails are covered in all kinds of snow and ice, some slushy, some slick, some rotting with big puddles underneath. It can be a bit disconcerting when you fall through an ice crust into a puddle. Some horses do major spooks when this happens. My guy, nothing. In fact this Florida born boy has always been a bit nervous on slick ice, scrambling to safety at the slightest slide. But this year his maturity and zen attitude has taken new levels. On todays trail, we landed on a hill with what turned to be slick ice and we literally slid down three feet like a toboggan. As soon as his feet hit the crumbly ice, Q proceeded to walk like nothing happened. A wow moment. With the amount of snow we have, we are about 2 weeks behind in trail conditions. But this week, with more rain and warm temps, should be the beginning of the end. The sound on this video il...