Silly Goal 2022

I have zero ambition for goals this year and Im definitely not going to track every ride. I was done with that objective by August of last year. So tedious, so boring. It did force me to ride out more. And more riding did wonders for Q and I in confidence and trailability. So it wasn’t all dumb.

By the fall of last year we were getting very good at loping on the buckle so I could start filming with my iphone and it got me my first shot of flying mane on trail. And thats now my new addiction. So I think this year Im going to capture as many flying mane shots on as many trail sections as possible.

A totally silly goal. 

This one was taken at -20C which is terrible weather (and windchill) conditions for removing your gloves to capture the shots. It takes me 5 shots to get one good one. I then missed the turn, which forced a halt and rollback with a single hand and lots of leg. Neck rein is improving!

Taken in Sector 2 - Trail 21 (private land)


  1. -20! You're much braver than I am. I'm pretty sure I would freeze in place, let along be taking off my gloves. :)


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