Feisty and Forward

Last week I got my horse back. I was able to maintain a long distance lope and cadence with the reins on his neck and my hands waving in the air. But its been touch and go since.

We had days so cold (-35C) that the horses were kept inside. Even during “warmer” turnout the horses didn’t move too much, huddling together and bracing against the wind. So when I finally show up with a saddle, my Q starts prancing in the aisle.

We headed out on Sunday for a solo jaunt, and he bolted and spooked on me 3-4 times. Everything was contained within a stride or two, but it was a bit unusual. Today we went out again, in a now “balmy” -13C (-20C with windchill), and while he didn’t literally bolt, did try to set his own pace especially on the way home.

With the extreme cold weather Ive cut my rides to 4x a week, but with our recent snow the footing has been amazing so its been good rides for the most part. I havent seen the inside of our indoor arena in many months and hopefully this trend will continue until the plague of ice hits in March.

Some recent canter shots. (Winter H, E, 21, 34, W)


  1. I love his dark mane against the snow. And I love that you don't shy away from cold weather riding 😜

    1. Its been tough and Im still working out the multiple layers especially for my fingers and toes. But the quiet of the forest is zen and enchanting. 😍


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