Juggling Perceptions 1 7 0

Annual Trail Rides: 170/200 (Bareback 21/40)

Our on-the-buckle trail lope is increasingly solid, which is a surprise to me because I never expected my pretty andalusian to be such a steady eddy when he grew up. My intention back when I started my search in 2015 was to just have a cool and spunky trail horse and I ended up with something completely different but also incredibly fun, and cool and spunky but in a different kind of way than what we horsepeople generally mean. 

Our tremendous mileage of 2021 has really highlighted the good, the great, and the incredibly annoying that is my wonderQ. This beautiful, friendly, generous and willing partner turns into a cantankerous pony when given the opportunity to eat (hello branch!) or stop on the trail to poop. He can be so obnoxious when given the chance.

And then, when Im just thoroughly annoyed at his yanking me all over the trail, he gives me the most amazing lopes on the buckle with an easy glide from walk to canter and a steady pace. He checks in with me every few strides, and I need to pay attention to where Im looking ... but if I keep my chest up and look forward into the horizon, he does the rest.

Very little spook, very little spin and bolt ... in fact he hasn’t reacted to much lately aside from the occasional head popping up or a quick side eye. He turned 8 this year so we are entering into the peak years and enjoying every moment.

The weather is quickly cooling, so spooky autumn season is on the horizon. Im looking forward to the reappearance of the feisty dragon some time soon. Or not.


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