The Professor

Annual Trail Rides: 158/200 (Bareback: 16/12)

It is back to school season, and Im preparing for my first class in person in 18 months this week! I do hope it sticks, as cases are on the rise and we are ever watchful despite a huge (85%) double vaccination rate in adults in our province. We now have vaccine passports which give us access to restaurants, gyms, and non essential services.

But this is about the other professor in my life: Q. He is so gentle in his teachings, like the Zen master that waits for the student to empty his cup before adding knowledge. He does poke and prod me to go faster and release my controlling anxiety-prone ways. He does laugh and sigh at me, as he shows me how easily he accomplishes my requests. And he takes care of me, rebalancing my body when I start to fall off.

We have achieved good success bareback this week, especially at the faster trot. I even started dropping the rein contract (hello control!) in the trot, and Q continues down the path steady and straight. Ive learned to drop my center of gravity towards my belly button and have softened my lower back to just follow the flow. Tightening up is such a strong anxiety reflex, but does not work well bareback.

Ive certainly had more than my share of special heart ❤️ horses, but Q really has been exceptional for me, as he continues to show me how much more potential I have. Age is but a number, and although my bareback riding years are over 35 years ago, this horse has many lessons to share with me and I am working at being a better listener every day.

And, yes, he did have something to say about how close my dirty boots were to his face to take this picture. 😁


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