Lilac Season

Annual Trail Rides: 88/200

It was a busy riding week, getting out on the trails every day. Boy does it make a difference with Q who is increasingly soft and attentive. Im trying to ride with more intention of the pace within the gait I seek, and Q is confirming that he is listening. Ive been edging him into a slower lope without the reins and we break into a trot pretty often, which tells me Im on the right track.

I finished Rashid book #4 this week, and it was another good one! (Good horses are never a bad colour) The side effect has been that I now want to buy another young horse to start. Its a ludicrous idea given the cost of board (which, by the way, just went up 20%) and is probably just a consequence of being a little bored and sheltered. Once “real life” gets going again Ill be back to barely having time for my wonderful Q.

Today was a lovely ride to my annual pilgrimage of the wild lilacs. I brought along two young ladies from the barn and they enjoyed the detour, the pace, and the new trails. We had such a good time that we scheduled another trek for next weekend. Fingers crossed that the weather cooperates!


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