The joys of autumn

Its been a glorious few weeks since my last post with lots of trail rides, both solo and with buddy B. My spanish dream Q continues to be a delight to ride and has gotten particularly good at his collected canter while following other horses at a trot. The transitions are prompt but not rushed and our accuracy on leads has improved ten fold. With all my gushing over his shy right lead he now offers it more often. This boy sure likes it when I shower him with compliments.

The colours are beautiful right now, with the full rainbow spectrum. The weather has cooled, and now I am debating between jackets or sweaters. No gloves yet, and the battery powered sole warmers are still in storage.

The school term is almost halfway done and Im feeling pretty confident about our progress so far. Im getting pretty good at the online technologies and have managed to do things online I was never able to do in a classroom. My students are benefitting from it, and class engagement is at an all time high!

The province has shut down our part of the world into a new version of confinement. Cases keep increasing every day by a 1000, but mortality and hospital numbers are still low. So we are back to shelter in place ... but this time there is no talk of preventing us access to our horses.

And our barn owner has decided to retire and pass the reins to the new trainer in place. I have high hopes that the transition will be seamless and that I wont have to look for new accommodations. My Q and I are very happy where we are and of course the trail access is magnificent. Here are some pics from my rides of the last few weeks.


  1. This location is so beautiful that if you have to leave I think I will cry!

    1. Yes, I think I would cry too! But, I probably would just move down the street and stay on the same trail network.


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