Hello dragon!

After a mostly sleepless night I headed to the barn for what I hoped would be a good ride on what was turning out to be a spectacular weather day. Temperatures had cooled to 24C with bright blue skies and a slightly damp track for some nice footing after all these days of rain. My hip was still hurting so I was going to take it easy, but I did want to work a good canter stretch with some lead switching in a particular spot.

Q had other plans. At our first trot and canter he clearly told me that THIS.IS.NOT.FAST.ENOUGH ! Then he started his usual “dragon mode” of tight back, hard bouncing, head in the air and increasing his speed at every stride. Ouch, my back!

I didn’t argue with him, but chuckled a bit at his antics. I used all that energy for good (as much as my back would allow) and worked on contact, leg yields, transitions and shoulder in. It was the best lateral work he has ever given me.

But we have a date, in the arena, for lots of canter circles and then we will go back on the trail and do more canter stretches.

It was nice to see the dragon back after two months reprieve and I know that a little cool weather is all that is needed to have him come out again. Meanwhile there is a hammock that has my name on it.


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