On the first long ride of summer my phone warned me of a nearby tornado watch

The stars had aligned and we were heading out for my first trail in sector 3 in months. Our lovely intern C was along for the ride and the skies were blue.

As we crossed the big field 2-3 km out, I noticed the dark sky a bit west of us. I figured it was just the rain clouds that were predicted to drop some showers 3 hours later.

Plenty of time for us to do our trail and make it back home. C and I decided that we weren’t going to worry about rain but we were both concerned about thunder and lightening. I checked my phone to reconfirm that the rain wasn’t until much later.

Then the skies turned blue again. We had a lovely trot through the woods. And twenty minutes later the air changed. No wind. No breeze. Dampness and stillness. I checked my phone again.

Tornado Warning.

We hightailed it out of there and began the one hour trip back home. Our horses were on fire! My silly Q leaped over a puddle like it was filled with alligators. He was begging to gallop at every stride. I havent seen him this amped in several weeks.

We crossed the big field and it was blue skies again. So we walked the rest of the way. And then when we arrived at the barn, the skies were turning black again.

Unsettled weather.

On a lighter note, I was super pleased with my Q today when the big mare behind spooked and ran down another trail. I was obliviously on the buckle and feet out of the stirrups. Q scooted into a one stride canter and then he stopped as we both looked back to find C and the big mare. Reactive but quick to come back to me. Thats all I ask for.


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