When I choose to not ride

It is a painful choice as the drive to-from the barn is close to two hours, and it costs about $15 in gas alone. I love going to the barn several times a week for the social component and the time I spend with my horse (and away from work, computer, media, tv, chores, etc). But sometimes I just don’t feel like riding. More often than not, I just saddle up and go and of course never regret that choice. Sometimes I tag along with a friend and the company makes up for my lack of motivation.

There are times I specifically choose not to ride. When Im feeling grumpy. When Im in a rush. When the weather is not cooperating especially in heavy winds or rain. And when Q is feeling particularly charged.

Instead I will free lunge in the big ring. It allows Q to gallop strongly and let out a few good rears and bucks that he does not quite have the opportunity to do in his turnout paddock. Free lunging is something my fellow boarders do quite regularly but there are many barns that do not allow it. It’s essentially chasing your horse around a big ring or indoor arena with a lunge whip. No lunge line involved so the horse can do and go where he wants as long as he is moving. Much more fun than lunging and you get a better sense of how the horse is “feeling”.

Q was SO charged today that he toppled a bale of hay and spooked, he spooked as we passed a stall filled with stuff, and then he spooked as we approached the mounting block on one of the windiest days in a few months. So I did an about-face, took off the saddle, mumbled something about “widow makers” to my fellow boarders, and went back out to the ring.

And this is what I got. A bucking, neighing, galloping fool that was snorting at the wind. Yep. Sometimes its good to choose not to ride.

Had the wind been calmer, and the trees more guarding of their falling branches, and if I had more time, I would have got the saddle back on and gone for a ride. But I had pumpernickel beer rye dough over-proofing in my fridge that required a big bake. And, yes, the house smells delicious right now.


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