Heat wave soaring and hip pain resolved

Ahh the irony of life. As my hip pain disappears it is now stinking hot. I still went on a little meander down the trail yesterday and the forest was literally steaming. Unfortunately it is impossible to convey this in an iphone pic. But I try.

For 3/4 of the ride, Q was a saint. Nice swinging walk, relaxed body, on the buckle. I lamented that I can’t swoon about him with anybody anymore. Nobody cares how amazing he is. Not even my husband.

And then, as we approached home, he trotted through the intersection that would ensure him speedy passage to his pile of hay. Um, no. We backed up that intersection twice before he was able to walk through (albeit tense and bouncy). I then decided to have him serpentine and figure 8 through some trees on the windy way back. He resisted the neck rein and leg cue to turn back, and then tried to trot forward when we turned to head home. Um, no. We did that a few times. He got testy. I got firm.

It certainly is a delight that I can saddle him up straight from the stall and go for a walking meander in the woods with no warm-up, flight check, lunge session, or spook. But clearly this horse needs to get his ya-yas out. I wanted to go for a cantering session today, but its even hotter than yesterday.

I may just stay put in my air conditioned home. 

Summer starts tomorrow.


  1. the problem is that he's too dang smart. Irish used to speed up on his way home. I would ride him home and then right into the ring and go to work when he did that. It didnt' take long for him to realize that a meander was the way to go.

    1. you are right! The look he gave me when we had "our discussion" haunts me. It was a teenager saying "I heard you!" and then a big sigh.
      Ive definitely gotten faster and further with this horse when we engage in a conversation. ;-)


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