Blue skies and a sore hip

My hip is pretty sore these days. Well, the piriformus muscle actually. It gets inflammed when I push too much, so its been alleve, heating pad and limited riding for a few days. I did manage to get to the barn yesterday and saw the crowd of boarders heading out on a beautiful sunny yet cool day. Lovely!

So I went to get my horse, groundtied him near my tack locker and got him ready for an easy trail around the woods. He really wanted to know how many peppermints he would get. He knows the mints hide in my locker. Sometimes, even though he is groundtied, he will sneak up behind me and try to get an extra. Of course he never does, and I drag him back to his ground tie spot, but he still keeps trying. I dont know how he does the sneak thing without me ever hearing a footfall.

Turns out there was lots of traffic on the trails with out of town members coming to finally yahoo their way down the wide sandy tracks. Made me want to avoid weekend riding all together. Q was generally composed, and gave a giraffe stare to the four cowboys that took off at a gallop in front of me. But when I criss crossed through another pack, he literally jumped and jigged his way through. I think he (or more likely I) was expecting another thunderous departure and was antsy (or more likely I).

Back home now, parked on a heating pad, happy my horse gave me a lovely walk about yesterday and looking forward to future rides where we can have our own thunderous gallop.


  1. He was such a good boy. Carmen would lose her mind if horses galloped off. Honestly, where's the common sense? sigh. I find massage therapy good for those tight muscles.

    1. Honestly, most horses would. Yet, there are many riders that don't give a hoot about others. Especially if they are male + western saddle. Or teenagers. Their opinion seems to be "you handle your horse, Ill handle mine". Every once in a while, I ponder the option of giving chase. ;-)


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