And then the sky went dark

It is one of those funny summer days, usually more common in July. It starts out stinking hot with stifling humidity and a temperature soaring over 30 degrees by 8 am. And then at some point in the early afternoon, everything changes.

Before that though, and after the crew shared in the ice cappuccinos I brought them for breaktime, I headed to grab Q for a quick walk in the woods before I lost my nerve in the heat. I pulled him from the stall to find his lunch still unfinished and his eyeballs sweaty. Yep, change in plan.

Off to the shower for a long icy cooldown instead. He has gotten bolder in drinking from the hose, and when he figured out how to play with his lips to douse me in water he watched me as I shrieked and giggled. And then he did it again. I was soaking wet. I got a little clip but cut the video when I started squeaking.

We found the only grazing corner in the shade near the road as trucks and cars passed by (way too fast) and I got to eat Qs banana while he preferred to eat old dried oak leaves. Silly horse.

Regardless, the breeze, shade and grazing after the long shower made Q very happy. And that’s when the sky turned dark. Thunderstorms soon followed, temperatures dropped almost 10 degrees, and the highways were littered with accidents. Somebody even lost a boat on the highway.


  1. He looks so happy! My gelding, Steele really minded the heat and I had to hose him often. Carmen loves to play with the hose and I swear she's trying to get me too. :)

  2. He WAS happy! He really tried to fill his mouth with water and then dump it on my head. It was so hot, I didnt mind. In fact, I was happy that he was getting bolder with the water hose near his head. He has been head shy for soooo long. Especially in the shower.


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