Nipped in the bud

A completely uneventful week aside from lots of solo rides of varying speeds. Today we took out the new intern for a quiet one hour stroll in the woods as she gets acquainted with the trails and her horse for the summer. She comes from the equestrian college program nearby, and she is working as a summer student between her sessions. She was a pleasure to ride with.

Today was stupid hot, so I dressed in my summer tights with water bottle and bug spray. The woods have been transformed over the last week and today it definitely felt like summer. A month early.

I took this picture of one of the trails and then found the identical shot I had taken on February 28th. Just a few days before my covid adventure began. Its amazing how much has changed, and stayed the same, over such a brief period in time.

Im mostly pleased with Qs behaviour this week. We have graduated to a quiet jog on the buckle while heading home. This is a big feat for Q as he would previously trot very fast, and then I would have to pick up the reins and half halt repeatedly. Then he would speed up again. Over and over. But I guess he has figured out that if keeps himself in check that I leave him alone.

For now, the barn sourness is mostly in check. He still fussed with me at an intersection today. So we played the patience game until he gave me twenty seconds of quietly standing still before we made our way home. Took me a few minutes before I got it.

I will keep my eye on this, as its easier to fix before the problem gets bigger.


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