Me and my shadow

I had a narrow window of opportunity to get to the barn, have a quick ride, and get back downtown in time for my meetings. The surprise of new snow made the roads greasy and I saw lots of tractor-trailers and jeeps hanging off medians and into ditches. I slowed down, took my time, and used lots of windshield washer fluid.

The weather was pleasant, mild and sunny. But the wind was blowing erratic gusts that always spook me. Sure enough, as soon as my thighs clenched when the wind started to blow and the trees started to sway and release their snow, Q would get tense. Sorry buddy, Ill try to stay calm.

As we made it down our familiar trails and basked in the sunlight, I decided to take a picture of us with our shadows. Afterwards, when I reviewed the pics, I realized that one of these gifs capture us perfectly. Here we are, alone together, on the buckle with Q waiting patiently as I try and find the perfect shot and he keeps talking to me with his right ear.

We are in a happy space right now. I do a quick groom and tack up, go out for a nice trail without any schooling, come back and eat lots of treats. Q is a perfect shadow to me and somehow always manages to strike a pose when I am taking pictures.

With the fresh snow the winter wonderland of our trails does not disappoint!


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