
When I am with Q, I usually pay attention to his expressive eyes. His eyes tell me how he is feeling, what he is worried about and how cheeky he might be that day. But last weekend I was taking pictures and realized he has long legs. They never felt long to me, but when I look at this picture objectively they seem long. Long for 15’3.

Q has been on a diet (mostly hay and supplements with a handful of grain) for the last two years and this is probably the leanest and fittest he has ever been.  But all that slogging in the deep heavy snow has puckered him out. He has now started tempering his energy at the beginning of rides to keep some gas in the tank in case we are out for longer than usual.
That means Ive been able to just tack up and trail ride without the usual pre-flight check over the last month. For a young horse of 6 that can still be rambunctious and edgy, that is awesome. He turns 7 in a few weeks.

Fascinating when you compare it with the beautiful chunky stallion that arrived home almost four years ago. Everyone does find it surprising that he is still so dark, although clearly more dappled now than the steel grey of his 3rd birthday.


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