Traffic in the tropics

After a month of shut-ins because of icy trail conditions, and a deep freeze with temperatures ranging from -18 to -30 ... what happens when the magic of fresh powder, bright sunshine and warm temperatures collide at the same time? Everyone plays hooky and heads for the trails!

Conditions were just magical and my buddy and I headed out with our very fresh horses for 2.5 hours of pure bliss. We took a little stretch called the “race track” where the footing was glorious but our horses were so fresh that we kept it quiet at a big trot. It took 2 hours with lots of trotting and cantering before I had my horse back. But that is just what we needed.

We saw riders, sleighs, skiers, ski-skaters, snowshoers ... and everyone had a big smile on their face. Our club volunteers had groomed the trails again in anticipation (third time within a week) so we were in footing heaven. And it was so warm (hovering above zero degrees) that we were perspiring under our winter coats.

But our horses? Despite their winter coats, and our speedy pace, they didn’t break a sweat and never got winded. In fact, we the riders got more winded especially after our long trot stretches. These boys are fit!

Q got lots of carrots yesterday. And he seems pretty happy with the loose ring snaffle. I have a sweet iron version coming through amazon, with a bag of nicker treats and a new saddle pad.

Winter riding can be amazing when all the right conditions come together.


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