Bitting Issues

We had a mild sunny day yesterday and it was just enough to melt some of the ice and make for a lovely ride. It was a slow roll but a lovely break in the monotony of arena work.

I have been worrying about my newest bit lately as Q seems to detest it (constantly mouthing) and Im working in more contact. As those things do not go well together, I was able to borrow another bit from a fellow boarder and it was quickly adopted by Q. It is the Myler comfort snaffle.
We did not work with the bit yet, just went for a quiet walking trail on the buckle. But I am looking forward to our Saturday drill practice to see if Q still likes it with contact. He has such a small sensitive mouth with delicate bars and it’s hard to know which type of bit will give him the right relief, me the right brakes, and keep us connected on those few times I ask him to take the contact. Copper, loose ring, thickness, double or triple jointed. Too many choices.

Fingers crossed the myler works well in the arena. And then Ill fit him with my newly acquired flower hackamore for the trails. Just need to MacGyver a fitted cheek piece to keep it out of his eyes.


  1. Finding the right bit can be difficult. I'll be interested to know what he thinks about schooling in it.


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