Infinity Loops

The beautiful figure eights in the ring were executed a few days ago by a lovely mare who was euthanized this morning. She was 21 years old and seemed to have suffered some stroke in the middle of the night as she was unable to move this morning when feeding time began. As she had been suffering from some unusual and chronic conditions for some time, the vet recommended she be euthanized. Her owner had only recently started riding her again and we all thought she was on the mend.

She is gone and has left us with a beautiful and brief reminder of her talent.

These days are signalling much in-betweens. As I entered the trails the ground was peaking through the snow. What kind of footing will we have today? Is it autumn or winter? Which trail shall we take, and does it matter?

This is the last week of the fall semester and my holiday break will soon begin. It will be a few weeks of riding and then its off to sunny Costa Rica for some light reading and hammock napping. Hopefully I will get some good trail rides before then.

Here is a little trot next to a ravine where I just let Q pick his own way. You can see he started speeding up at the end of the video because my hand gets shakey,

Let’s enjoy the in-betweens.


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