Cha Cha Cha

It is yucky outside. One of those days where you are grateful to have an empty indoor arena to play. I was planning on practicing our long reining but Q was just not having it. BO was cleaning out her pond and it made funny squishy noises that would just disrupt Q every time we would pass the arena door. Turns out that control with long reins can be dubious when the horse is spooking and bolting.

Anyways, he is usually so good that I let it slide, and tried to practice something else instead. I started with a long whip and practiced his haunches in while walking backwards at his head. Yep, both sides were so good and he gave them quickly. After a few strides on each side, repeated 2-3 times, I needed to find something new.

So I figured I would tap his feet and see if he could lift them on command. The first tapping went on forever. He was like "what do you want?'" And of course it wasn't painful, just slightly annoying. So he figured he would just ignore me. So I would then ask him to walk a step while I kept tapping that left front foot. When he lifted it (to walk a step), I lavished him with praise.

But the lesson didn't really progress until I pulled out the mints from my pocket. It happened when he popped up the hind right leg at the slightest suggestion, so I squealed and minted. He was like "oh yeah?, I can do more of that!". So now he was lifting whichever foot I wanted from whichever side I asked him from. It all took about 10-15 minutes and I emptied pockets of apple snacks and mints. He was very pleased with himself.

I made a special task of asking him for opposite side legs so that he would learn to associate the foot with the tapping, and not with my position. By the end I was tapping mostly once (except the stubborn left front which took a few more taps) and getting a prompt response. Towards the end I even asked for some hind foot elevation during a walk and got it (and an outward kick the first few times on the left).

It was a fun, and unexpected, activity on a cold rainy day. I will try and get some video next time, and I will try and add the haunches in and leg yields to the long reins.

And then maybe one day, we will cha cha cha.


  1. Replies
    1. It was fun, and when I translated it to the saddle yesterday, it was clearly effective. Go long reins!


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