What a pleasure to spend the morning picking berries with my mom. The blueberries were not yet ripe, but the blackberries were starting to ripen. It was hard to see them from the trails but once we went through the thorny bushes they started to appear. Pickings were still a bit slim, and many of the fruits were a bit small. But we will go out two more times over the next two weeks and hope for more abundance.
These babies were hiding behind some bushes |
My mom is 81 years young and still a firecracker. Although she stopped riding a few years ago, she still volunteers twice a week at the local horse rescue doing chores ... even stacking hay!!! Here is a picture of us on our palominos dressed up for the western pleasure pairs class. It was a hoot of a time, with tons of trail riding and the occasional shows. On trail, we enjoyed the nickname of the golden ghosts as we trotted and cantered through the forest.
Mom & I on Mare & Son |
Things changed a while ago, and both our horses passed away in 2015-2016. But she still comes to the barn regularly, and we go walk the trails, with Q usually tagging along behind. Except during blackberry season when we leave the horse at the barn and we bring our containers to fill them with luscious berries.
I could not tear my mom away from those blackberry bushes. She picked 3x my bounty. |
While we slaved in the fields, some horses decided to take a nap. This is the sole colt of the barn, 1 year old and 15 hands. |
Next week we will go back for the new crop. |
Had a little jaunt in the woods afterwards. App says we maxed at 14.9 km/h. |
Im anxious to hit the trails tomorrow on my own and record my speed with my new app. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and the buckets of rain we got this evening won't dampen my enthusiasm.
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