Section 4, Le Grand Tour

The weather was so pleasant today that we did the big loop from section 2, through section 3, and section 4. Its about a 20 km loop that took us 3 hours to do. I had water bottles, an apple, my phone, and a few peppermints for Q.

The first 30 minutes was solo as I went to pick up trail buddy C with her azteca mare.

Much of section 4 is on gravel residential roads, or on trails next to residential homes with pools, trampolines, treehouses, and all kinds of stuff sitting in someones backyard. Its a good test for how desensitized your horse is. Q was awesome, occasionally trembling when a dog lunged at us but quick to get settled again.

Lots of pretty homes and horsefarms in this neighborhood, and very polite drivers.

We got to visit lots of backyards and gardens. Trail is on the right.

Oh and it must have been garbage day! They were all over.

Q did fantastic with the traffic, on the buckle most of the way.

It was a quiet weekday, but those pools and trampolines get exciting on the weekend.
A professional self-massage

All is right with the world!

On a sidenote we have an epic crisis in that Qs favorite mint: Canada Mint, is not available! The company NECCO went bankrupt last year and the new company (Spanglers) hasn’t perfected the formula yet. All of the stores have been out of inventory for months. I gave him his last mint today.


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