Section 3, or a lovely change of pace

I wish I came here more often. It has so many beautiful sections. It is plagued by some boggy trails with mosquitoes and we have to cross a busy road to get here. But once here, Im always happy!

We found some wooden trails with occasional muddy spots to go trotting in. I took this video with my trail buddy J and her big percheron mare.

Buffet! I struggled to keep Q on the path and focused.

Much galloping happens on this path!

This section has a few streets that we have to cross. But there is practically no cars here.

Q enjoying the view!

The hunt field is one of my favorite spots. And the sun was out in full force with a cooling breeze.

It was a gorgeous day, and the sights were beautiful. With the tardy summer, the trails were a bit muddier than usual. My friend with her big percheron mare struggles with her soundness, and did not like the muddy trails one bit. She would have much rather stayed on the tried and true section 2.

But I am glad I went, and I am looking forward to going back. Perhaps solo. Q is getting to be quite solid going solo and I think we can do this.


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