Just like summer camp

I finally did it! I found the courage, time, and circumstances to go for a trail ride bareback in a halter/lead combo. I felt like I was 12 years old again. Awesome! Ive been practicing without stirrups for months now, having graduated to trotting on trail behind M and her chunky paint this last month. I hopped on bareback earlier this week for a quick spin in the parking lot. Having had two massive trail rides this week, and with the heat sucking any excess energy out, I figured it was a now or never event. I did a test run in the outdoor ring to see if I could trot and brake without falling off ... and while I was definitely wobbly, I figured I was good to go with M and her supersafe paint on a quiet stroll. M then pulled into the parking lot, saw me doing my shenanigans and was up for the challenge. It was awesome! Actually felt better than stirrupless riding as the contact between my skin and the horse created heat and suction. We even trotted. Twice! And on the second trot...