At the crossroads, I choose rain

Most everyone who came out to the barn on this bleak, cold and rainy day went straight to the indoor arena without a second thought. But I was looking forward to the quiet peace of the forest in the rain after my long intense week of client sessions, teaching and speeches. After teaching for 10 hours straight yesterday to 45 students, I was so zonked that I literally passed out after my husband fed me and was only resuscitated 12 hours later.

So I messaged chatty and fun-loving J and ran to the barn to catch up with her and have a fun ride in the rain. It was a blast! Our horses pair up beautifully and this team can long trot and canter like the best of them. But after 45 minutes of zoom zoom zoom, my Q was amped and I soon started to realize in a hand gallop that I had no brakes as my wet hands were slipping on the wet leather reins, while the wet branches were being flicked at me and the inside liner of my helmet was slipping down and covering my eyes. J was super accommodating and we took it down a notch to the strongest, longest, fastest trot I have ever done side-by-side and on the way home. So much power!

So, it wasn’t so peaceful nor quiet but it was fun. And of course it is always so beautiful to listen to the rain in the forest. Music to my ears!

Its another tough week with new clients, more sessions and classes. I should have two more weeks of crazy and then it will be a more quiet steady stream of work.


  1. I had a tough week too. Your ride in the woods sound like just the ticket.

    1. Boy I wish I was out there now. Looks like sunny skies, and Im heading off to work in a windowless space.


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