Zoom Zoom Spring

Had a lovely solo ride in the beautiful woods. The tree leaves were so green from the morning rain that I thought it was neon. Because our trails are mostly sandy loam, they dry up real quick and we don’t have much to worry about in rocks, stumps, or mud.

 Q was a great partner and let me know when he wanted to go faster. Nothing obnoxious, but a bit more bounce in his step and his ears would speak volumes.

It was lovely to be just the two of us, and he was smooth as silk cantering down the path.

A busy week ahead with too much work, and not enough barn time. Happy trails to all.


  1. Neon! My cousin moved from the PNW to Arizona and she said when she visits Seattle, the green hurts her eyes: )

  2. Replies
    1. Me too! Paradise for the weekend warrior.

  3. Love those happy ears! That footing looks glorious!

    1. I love talking to those ears. They are so responsive!


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