Reactive or training gap?

My horse and I have an issue with plastic, shavings bags, tarps, and plastic kiddy pools. I can usually get Q to accept my fascination with tarps in a session. But every new session starts out the same with snorting, and a reluctance to have me drape the tarp over him. So I take it slow and we eventually are trotting and cantering over it, and moving it all over. But its exhausting tedious work.

After several days of despooking clinic, my husband was tired of hearing me categorize horses into sensitive/reactive vs dull. Well how else do you explain to the non horsey type how a draft cross just plows through the mattress and tarp combo on the first try, while the OTTB jumps from side to side then leaps into the air to finish into a canter pirouette succeeding in completely avoiding the offensive obstacle?

He said : “It seems like you use the term reactive/sensitive as an excuse for a horse that needs more training.” Umm ... but, but ... let me explain. You know Q and tarps and anything plastic ... well it just requires so much repetition and he is always so sensitive and his reactions are explosive...and it’s also in the breeding...

He said : “Which doesn’t excuse the behaviour. The horse needs more training.”

The next day, I entered Qs stall with my brushes as I thought I would groom him during the break while the barn was still bustling with activity. As I moved to his side, he made an unusual move, tucking his tail between his legs, and pushing into me. I shoved him back, and he kicked out to the wall. I was surprised but thought all the barn activity and lack of work had him tense.

Later that night, as I reflected on the scene, I discovered the culprit. My squeaky snowpants. I had never worn them to the barn but had chosen to do so for the clinic because they would provide great insulation for long hours of sitting outside at near 0C weather.

So, I guess my non horsey husband is correct. My horse needs more training. No more excuses. Too bad the work is sooo dull.


  1. Every once in a while, Mike will come up with one of these gems. I find that he's not "too close" to the subject like I am, so he can see things that should be obvious to me but aren't! I got such a kick out of this entry.

    1. The far-sighted perspective is the best! Thanks for following my stories and commenting.


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