Piriformus, go away!

With spring break and great riding conditions, our weekly riding schedule went from 3 to 10+ hours. Now, Im suffering on the sofa with a heavy dose of naproxen and the heating pad to ease the pain of this throbbing hip and nearby piriformus.

With my yoga, stretches and anti-imflammatory diet I thought I had this problem nixed. But no, seems like the piriformus had a few more things to say about this. On another note, I think my horse is a little tired and sore too.

Ive always had something in this area which I thought for the longest time was my sciatica. And while it plays a part, my trainer informed me that the sciatica passes through this tiny piriformus muscle and that the inflammation of the piriformus is the cause of the symptom. But the cause of the inflammation is an overloading of the piriformus because of poor quad development for the level of exertion required. The piriformus compensates for the quad, and then gets tired and irritable.

So Im supposed to go to the gym and do deadlifts. And squats. Lots of squats.

For now,  its a quiet night at home, supper courtesy of my husband. Yay, to being spoiled.


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