
My muse

Riding is down ⬇️ Dog training is ⬆️. Our little bichon puppy is now 10 months old and is a confirmed lap dog, but also a certified trick dog, and novice in scent tracking, agility (no jumping), and has started swimming lessons. We have definitely double downed on lessons and training at home. As a result, its been harder to fit in the riding and the worsened commute to the barn (now 2.5/3hrs round trip) as a result of road construction. But when I show up, Q is happy to provide kisses and look for carrots. He has been a good egg in my 1-2x a week habit. Big changes have happened at the barn where resident trainer was kicked out and we went to a coop style management, with double the turnout. Everyone seems happier. What hasn’t changed is how Q continues to be my greatest muse. He makes me giggle and happy cry almost every ride (when solo). There is just an incredible emotional resonance with this horse. Such joy. The gross hot weather of the summer now seems to be over, and Im hopeful

Wake up sleepyhead, its your birthday! 🎉

Well the terrible winter is on its way out, and spring is here, along with Qs 11th bday. We got some good saddle time this week finally! And while the trails are still recovering it has been a blessing to get out. Puppy is doing well and 6 months old! Potty training is done, and she is a magnificent walker. We graduated our second obedience class and puppy agility. She just rocks those tunnels!

What a trip!

One of those kind of trips where you don't actually go anywhere, but your mindset shifts and you feel the whole planet twist under your feet. A puppy. What a trip! Puppy is about to turn 5 months, and has been in our lives for almost 3 months now. We have mostly conquered potty training, crate training and the basics of obedience. Puppy has also conquered us, as she has transformed our cold icy hearts into piles of mush at the slightest whimper. We had a brief medical emergency this week when we discovered blood in her stools. Off to the vet to find out that there is a big difference in bright red (goodish, ie intestinal inflammation) and dark red (scary, ie internal bleeding) blood in the stools. We did a quick diet correction and within 24 hours we had a great reversal in her condition. We have been exploring lots of different training avenues on top of basic obedience, including agility for puppies, tricks, and soon scent training. I have big plans to have her certified as a the

Life is upside down

Shortly after my last post we picked up the newest member of our family, a 9 week old female Bichon Havanese. The last 6 weeks have been a whirlwind of potty training, chewing, accidents, and incredible joy. Oh, and sleepless nights. Riding has been on the backburner, but trails have been bad with all ice and no snow. So I haven’t missed much. The few times I tried to ride, Q made it clear that he expects more attention if I want him to behave. So Ive been trying (somewhat unsuccessfully) to string together 3 days in a row of lunging, training, riding … but sometimes with our poor sleeping schedule I just dont have the energy for the 2 hour drive plus barn stuff. So I nap. And puppy naps too. I just found out recently she needs 20 hours a day of naps. Otherwise she gets cranky. 😂 

First Snow

Surprise! Surprise!  A bit early this year, but perhaps a sign that we might have a Green Christmas … because irony. Horse was way too spicy than he should have been, so we kept it to a long distance trot in mostly sandy tracks. Twas a good one. Such a good egg.

Emotional connection

Im still working on my listening skills, and my horse is still trying to teach me to do better. Yesterday we went out solo and while we jogged and trotted down the trail, I felt such a strong emotional resonance. I use his metronome rhythm to create silly jingles and then laugh and cry while patting his neck. It’s such a weird emotional space between appreciation, love, sadness while we enjoy the moment. Q, unphased. Meanwhile, Ive been struggling with the right lead canter these last few weeks. No problem in the arena, but on trail, it takes quite a few tries to get it. Heading home with one last chance to try, I got the message to better time with his legs. I decided to do it from the walk, and counted 1-2-1-2 with the right fore, I then cued when the right fore hit the ground (so left impulsion was coming next) and BOOM perfect right lead canter. It was light, smooth, and I screamed in delight and hugged my horse. Q, unphased. A little ear twitch saying « no big deal girl, just ask

Twas Beautiful

Up at 430 am to watch the foggy Geiranger fjord at sunrise. It was worth it. Climbed the mountain to see the full extent of one of the deepest fjords in the world. It was worth it. Saw trolls, glacier lakes, beautiful waterfalls. My travel hunger is satiated for today. Norway is beautiful! 😍