My muse

Riding is down ⬇️ Dog training is ⬆️. Our little bichon puppy is now 10 months old and is a confirmed lap dog, but also a certified trick dog, and novice in scent tracking, agility (no jumping), and has started swimming lessons. We have definitely double downed on lessons and training at home. As a result, its been harder to fit in the riding and the worsened commute to the barn (now 2.5/3hrs round trip) as a result of road construction. But when I show up, Q is happy to provide kisses and look for carrots. He has been a good egg in my 1-2x a week habit. Big changes have happened at the barn where resident trainer was kicked out and we went to a coop style management, with double the turnout. Everyone seems happier. What hasn’t changed is how Q continues to be my greatest muse. He makes me giggle and happy cry almost every ride (when solo). There is just an incredible emotional resonance with this horse. Such joy. The gross hot weather of the summer now seems to be over, and Im hopeful...