Still like water

It’s been a long time since my last blog. Life has been like galloping through a field of gopher holes ... a nice wink to my 2022 expedition in Alberta. Lots of moving pieces, an excessive workload, and a few incidents that left me perplexed and bruised. The increase in workload was directly correlated to my decrease in riding time. I was quite pleased that I could still show up at the barn 1-2 times a week and enjoy a ride. Sometimes it was more exciting than I wanted, and sometimes it was just sheer bliss. On one of my more blissful rides, Q was feeling soft, and shall I say, a little bit lazy. We were loping along the sandy trails when, BANG, he trips, falls on his face, and I go flying over his head to land in a shoulder roll in some very soft cushy sand. My thigh was grabbed by the pommel on the way down which left me bruised for about a week. But Q's face as he stood over me, his bridle askew, wondering what just happened. Priceless. Then there was the day where he had a swol...