2022 Thank You!

The year I turned 50. Technically I don’t « feel » different, but it’s a big new decade for sure. Aside from the mental and emotional impact of the pandemic, I also lost some significant people in my life and finally came to understand how finite my time is. And, perhaps more importantly, at least for those of us who always think we should be better, richer, thinner, stronger, fitter before we do THE thing … I chose to just jump off the cliff now while I still have four functioning limbs (and a brain) to do THE thing. One thing is for sure, time will not make us younger. Enter my 230 km horseback expedition across Alberta, and my 70 km horseback expedition to the bottom of Argentinian Patagonia. The trips of the outdoor « plumbing ». Neither trip caused me any significant pain in my left hip despite my concerns, and both delivered mega experiences. I learned how to dress for sleep when the temperature drops below zero. I learned how to pack my saddle bags for a long day without shade. ...