Surprise surprise
Annual Trail Rides: 68/200
Hello Mr Winter, are you back again? Not an April Fools joke, but a late spring snow storm after the trees and flowers had started to bloom. Bad timing Mother Nature!
And it was cold! My body no longer tolerates below freezing temperatures after April 1. Even with my toe warmers I was cold.
Got out with buddy B again and we had a nice time, until he started fussing with his saddle while going down the narrow ravine with the steep cliff on the side (and a site of a major horse accident a long time ago where the horse and rider fell down the cliff and the rider broke her back). Something afluttered in the creek below and it echoed in the ravine sending Bs horse into a panic, 180 spin and bolt to then land in my lap. Good old trusty Q saw it all unfold and blocked the path with a 90 degree spin but also creating an open door for him to take an abrupt exit, stage left, should things get worse. B got his horse back under control and proceeded down the ravine. And I started breathing again.
Its a busy week work wise, so my riding is taking a slight backstep. But Im happy where things are at. if just the wind can stop blowing.
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