Double Trouble

Annual Trail Rides: 38/200

I made the mistake (?) during a Monday Blues episode to complain about being bored on my trail rides. Blasphemy with our incredible footing and increasingly mild and sunny days where we have regular unfettered access to our winter wonderland. And my horse has been just amazing these last rides.

But sigh, you can not rationalize boredom away. So fellow boarder C (an international concert violinist, first chair and all) offered to tag along with me on her still somewhat insecure 17h Hanoverian hunter. And then BO asked to have me to babysit her baby stud on his first ridden trail ride (he has been ponied in these woods aplenty). So I got two trail rides today, each very different.

In the first, I coached C on how to ask for a canter on her leggy beast with the 12 foot hunter stride while staying behind my andalusians 7 foot cantalope stride. We got it on the second try but it still requires a bit more work.

In the second, I just led the way sticking to the narrow trails and sometimes going through snowdrifts. We kept that ride quiet and short. Just looking for a positive first experience. Baby stud was awesome.

We go out again with baby stud tomorrow and we might even try a trot. Q and baby stud are paddock best friends so it makes everything cozy and friendly on these first rides.

And the weather calls for more snow tomorrow! 


  1. I was starting to get bored with our snow trail rides (we can't get very far with the creek boxing us in on all sides) and I jinxed it, so now the footing is garbage and we can't ride at all, let alone on trail. I'll just live vicariously through you for now.

    1. I hear you! Im working hard at enjoying every moment :-)


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