Legs before hands

Necessity is the mother of invention. Look ma, no bit! Q was developping lip sores because his baby bit became too small for his growing mouth. It was too bad because it was a great little bit and thin enough for his small mouth. I have a new-to-me bit which will probably work well although it doesn’t have the copper. Meanwhile, I didn't want to aggravate the sores with any bit so I decided to finally try a hackamore. I tried the barn sidepull but didn’t like how it sat on his face. Then our fearless BO pulls out this rope thing she got in Costa Rica and I thought it might be cool to try. I pulled it on and proceeded to a group lesson doing drill work. It was all at a walk and a great transition session for the change in steering wheel. Obviously the pressure points are completely different with this bridle. Instead of direct pull reins it works better with neckrein and a more “suggestive” steering. Turns out that Q loves it and I was able to confirm that his neckrei...