Life is upside down

Shortly after my last post we picked up the newest member of our family, a 9 week old female Bichon Havanese. The last 6 weeks have been a whirlwind of potty training, chewing, accidents, and incredible joy. Oh, and sleepless nights. Riding has been on the backburner, but trails have been bad with all ice and no snow. So I haven’t missed much. The few times I tried to ride, Q made it clear that he expects more attention if I want him to behave. So Ive been trying (somewhat unsuccessfully) to string together 3 days in a row of lunging, training, riding … but sometimes with our poor sleeping schedule I just dont have the energy for the 2 hour drive plus barn stuff. So I nap. And puppy naps too. I just found out recently she needs 20 hours a day of naps. Otherwise she gets cranky. 😂