Back in the saddle again

Wow! The last month was a doozy. Excessive work, sleeping only with the help of medication, the hamster constantly churning … Im not quite sure how I didnt get sick through it all. Today was my first day off in weeks and I was committed to spending time with my lovely Q. I pulled up, and while he was slow to recognize my engine sounds, he perked up fast enough and strolled to the fence line with his usual “where have you been?” face. He did quick work of shoving his buddies aside from the gate so he could get out and eat his first of many treats of the day: a fresh banana! Yumm! We then went to the indoor arena for perhaps a roll and a run/buck session. He was feeling a little shy to roll in my presence and he probably sensed my intentions of work and pace. So we attempted to run around the arena that is still (!) half flooded and muddy. Boy the arena riding boarders must be pissed (been going on for a month now). Q seemed a little lazy so we tacked up and headed to the outdoor ri...