Horseless Rider (aka learning a new hobby)
Teresa of Carmen recently noted in her post that the horsey blogland has gotten quiet, and I tend to agree. In fact I have had to diversify my social media content just to get my daily fix. In my case it's not just the lack of my primary subject matter (my horse) but the sheer volume of change and content that has jumbled my mind. Many days are still such an emotional roller coaster that I have a hard time completing an idea let alone a blogpost. Being horseless is really not so bad. A lot of bloggers and facebookers comment on feeling bad for us. Well, don't feel bad for me. My horse has incredible care and the barn owner and her team have really stepped up on all the extras giving my Q his best life. He has triple the turnout from sunrise to sunset with his two pals plus two colts that Q just loves playing with. He gets lunged and groomed a few times a week to limit how feral he might become. :-) Here is a quick funny video I created this month for the barn owner that ...